Friday, February 1, 2013

And The Winner Is....!

And now - the winner of the January Headband Shoppe drawing:  Again, thank you for all of you who participated and entered!  All the entries were tallied and a winner drawn at random.  Congratulations 


Please send me an email so we can coordinate the mailing of your dusty rose peacock hairclip.  

All of you remember to follow the Facebook page for new product releases and to be notified when we do our next giveaway!


Thank all of you who faithfully voted for Mrs. Smith's 2nd grade class at Vale Elementary.  We were able to get a whopping 4429 votes for the class, well done!  While the contest was extremely close, another elementary school in the competition got just a few more votes to win the grant and we offer them our congratulations. Mrs. Smith's kids took this photo to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who have shown such incredible support during the process.  

It occurred to me during this voting process that we could still potentially help Mrs. Smith's class, competition or not - the prize for the competition was a grant for $1,000.  I would LOVE to raise whatever funds we can to help the class reach their goal for technology in the classroom.  That being said, I have set up a donation fund for the class, and I pledge that Headband Shoppe will match the total contributions up to $500. 

Did you get a chance to see what the class is trying to achieve?  If you did not, you can still view their video here: Mrs. Smith's 2nd Grade Class Video  Thank you for your consideration, and if it is put on your heart to help the kids in this small town change their school, anything you can do to help would be appreciated.  Contributions will be tallied, matched, and a check will be sent DIRECTLY to Vale Elementary School for Mrs. Smith's 2nd Graders.  If you have any questions, or would prefer to donate privately, feel free to email me at

**Donations will be accepted through 2/15, and I will post an update and followup to let you know how much we raised!**


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Love One Another - A Valentine's Challenge

My dear friend is a 2nd grade school teacher.   And a wonderful teacher she is.

Her 2nd grade class is trying hard to win a contest to get money for new technology for their classroom.  They are one of the top two videos for this month so they have a real shot at winning. 

Headband Shoppe has decided to support their efforts by donating a beautiful Valentine's season hairpiece to voters who cast their entries on or before 1/31/13.  You can enter multiple times so you will have multiple chances to win.  

Let's help send Mrs. Smith's class to the top!

Here is how to enter: (it is extremely easy, but please read carefully)

1) Follow this link to Mrs. Smith's 2nd grade class video:  - you can find the video alternately via and look the link for Mrs. Smith's 2nd grade class.

2) Below the video, there is a blue button that says "Vote for this Video" - click on this to vote!

Look for this button to vote on the video!

3) Last step (but most important!): after you click vote look at the new vote total just above the button and come back to tell me what number your vote was!  For example, if after you vote, the # turns to 1642 votes, you are number 1642.  Leave a blog comment with your name and your vote#.  

example: vote #

And that's how you enter - so easy!  Let's show our love for Mrs.Smith and her 2nd graders.  Added bonus - you can enter for this multiple times - the website allows votes from 1) cell phones 2) laptops 3) anywhere with wifi once each per 24 hours.  Feel free to vote as many times as you are able for multiple chances to win this drawing.  Don't forget to come back and tell me your vote # for your entry to count! {all reader comments are welcome, but only those with name & vote# will be counted for the drawing}

On 2/1 when voting is closed, I will draw a name from the entries to win this beautiful feather hairclip.  Let's help Mrs. Smith change her 2nd grader's classroom and reach for a big win for their school this year!

- Louisa